Creating a page with a table of contents which links to pages with in the same page
ExampleAnchor 1 links hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam quam nunc, venenatis quis, porttitor at, consequat ac, lacus. Etiam risus nulla, iaculis sed, blandit in, ornare at, turpis. Fusce sem massa, feugiat at, vulputate eget, dapibus in, mauris. In euismod egestas quam. Curabitur ac sem. Suspendisse laoreet dignissim quam. Vestibulum cursus, nibh quis pharetra fringilla, purus sapien commodo massa, sit amet vestibulum eros ante a neque. Sed luctus. Pellentesque eu augue vel tellus volutpat luctus. Integer elit est, porttitor non, pulvinar vitae, consectetuer a, purus. Duis volutpat consequat tortor. Phasellus tellus diam, facilisis nec, elementum ut, viverra sit amet, mi. Cras pretium tortor a nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam felis dui, rhoncus sed, malesuada eu, bibendum sit amet, neque. In nisl lectus, ultrices et, sodales ut, cursus in, nisl. Nam suscipit auctor ante. Suspendisse bibendum nisl non diam. Vestibulum vehicula arcu et augue. Anchor 2 links hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam quam nunc, venenatis quis, porttitor at, consequat ac, lacus. Etiam risus nulla, iaculis sed, blandit in, ornare at, turpis. Fusce sem massa, feugiat at, vulputate eget, dapibus in, mauris. In euismod egestas quam. Curabitur ac sem. Suspendisse laoreet dignissim quam. Vestibulum cursus, nibh quis pharetra fringilla, purus sapien commodo massa, sit amet vestibulum eros ante a neque. Sed luctus. Pellentesque eu augue vel tellus volutpat luctus. Integer elit est, porttitor non, pulvinar vitae, consectetuer a, purus. Duis volutpat consequat tortor. Phasellus tellus diam, facilisis nec, elementum ut, viverra sit amet, mi. Cras pretium tortor a nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam felis dui, rhoncus sed, malesuada eu, bibendum sit amet, neque. In nisl lectus, ultrices et, sodales ut, cursus in, nisl. Nam suscipit auctor ante. Suspendisse bibendum nisl non diam. Vestibulum vehicula arcu et augue. | ExplanationFor this example I have created a table of contents at the top of the page using the HTML widget. I have created some anchors on the page using the HTML widget, under each anchor, I have used the Text widget to insert the code that I want the link to take the user to. Here is how I have done it:1.) Drag an HTML widget onto the page Paste the following code into the widget: <a href = '#a1'>Anchor 1</a><br/> <a href = '#a2'>Anchor 2</a><br/> NOTE: the italic text is what the user will see as a link the bold text is the place in the page where clicking the link will take the user. 2.) Drag an HTML widget onto the page and place the following text into it: <a name = 'a1'></a> NOTE: a1 is the same as the bold part of the link in step 1 (without the #). 3.) Now drag a text widget onto the page and place it below the HTML widget you just added. Place your content in here. Done. Now you have a table of contents, an anchor on the page to which a link is connected, and a block of text underneath that link for the user to see. Repeat these steps as many times as you like to create more links to blocks of text within the same page. |