
Controls whether, when exporting, the user will be asked for confirmation before replacing an image.

Default Value

The default is "no", which means that _imageid is not forwarded to the calling application on export.


Applications can support image overwriting using a combination of the _imageid and _replace parameters. _imageid is provided by the calling application and uniquely identifies the image; its presence in the export call determines whether the user would like to replace that image with the new data. Various values of _replace determine the conditions under which _imageid is forwarded back to the API user.

The following values for _replace are permitted:

  • "ask": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or save a new one. If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export; otherwise it is swallowed.
  • "confirm": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or cancel (return to editing in Picnik). If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export.
  • "yes": The _imageid parameter is always passed on at export, with no user prompting.
  • "no": The _imageid parameter is never passed on at export, with no user prompting.

See Also

_export, _imageid, _original_thumb



Controls whether, when exporting, the user will be asked for confirmation before replacing an image.

Default Value

The default is "no", which means that _imageid is not forwarded to the calling application on export.


Applications can support image overwriting using a combination of the _imageid and _replace parameters. _imageid is provided by the calling application and uniquely identifies the image; its presence in the export call determines whether the user would like to replace that image with the new data. Various values of _replace determine the conditions under which _imageid is forwarded back to the API user.

The following values for _replace are permitted:

  • "ask": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or save a new one. If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export; otherwise it is swallowed.
  • "confirm": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or cancel (return to editing in Picnik). If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export.
  • "yes": The _imageid parameter is always passed on at export, with no user prompting.
  • "no": The _imageid parameter is never passed on at export, with no user prompting.

See Also

_export, _imageid, _original_thumb



Controls whether, when exporting, the user will be asked for confirmation before replacing an image.

Default Value

The default is "no", which means that _imageid is not forwarded to the calling application on export.


Applications can support image overwriting using a combination of the _imageid and _replace parameters. _imageid is provided by the calling application and uniquely identifies the image; its presence in the export call determines whether the user would like to replace that image with the new data. Various values of _replace determine the conditions under which _imageid is forwarded back to the API user.

The following values for _replace are permitted:

  • "ask": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or save a new one. If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export; otherwise it is swallowed.
  • "confirm": The user is given the option to overwrite the original image or cancel (return to editing in Picnik). If the user chooses "overwrite", the _imageid parameter is passed on at export.
  • "yes": The _imageid parameter is always passed on at export, with no user prompting.
  • "no": The _imageid parameter is never passed on at export, with no user prompting.

See Also

_export, _imageid, _original_thumb

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